High performance testing for
LEO satellite network operators

There’s a new space race on —
and Square Peg can help you win it

Low Earth Orbit satellite technology is revolutionizing satellite-enabled data and communications — and how a new generation of systems will be deployed. In terms of design, capability and time to deployment, today’s space leaders need to continuously push the limits. The RLS-2100 can help you test them.

Be prepared to test the limits

Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks have the potential to support unprecedented high bandwidth, low latency applications with global coverage. Success depends on their ability to overcome critical challenges to network performance and reliability.
High velocity motion
Satellites moving at over 25,000 km/h cause large and dynamic Doppler frequency shifts plus rapidly changing path loss and path delay.
Beam handovers
Lower orbit means smaller beam footprint per satellite, so more frequent handovers are required.
Link variance
The unique characteristics of user and feeder links must be identified and managed across the network.
Evolving requirements
With shorter generation lifespans, LEO satellite payloads are changing at a much higher pace.

RLS-2100 is the perfect tester for LEO networks

Bring your network into the lab with a hardware-in-the-loop satellite link simulator. The RLS-2100 is a powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing the performance of the most complex LEO networks. It delivers a fully integrated solution for LEO physical layer link testing, enabling you to apply accurate link conditions to real equipment at RF. And with native support for modeling constellations, you can build complex, dynamic and highly accurate link scenarios quickly and easily. Rigorous testing empowers LEO network operators to speed time to deployment, address issues faster, and deliver value to their customers sooner.
The RLS-2100 is a powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing the performance of the most complex LEO networks.
The RLS-2100 is a powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing the performance of the most complex LEO networks.

See how RLS-2100 can help you:

Due to the rapidly changing dynamics of LEO, successful satellite and beam handovers can be a challenge. The RLS-2100 models LEO satellite link handovers and applies the rapidly changing path conditions between the transmitter and receiver — including scenarios with inter-satellite links (ISLs) where the feeder and user link can be very different. You can simulate make-before-break scenarios using multiple channels, or conduct break-before-make tests using a single channel.

The RLS-2100 can dynamically apply multiple impairments to support a comprehensive end-to-end path simulation for any LEO-based scenario. Each impairment can be enabled or disabled and can be configured independently. Some examples include:

  • Doppler shift, path loss and path delay
  • HPA non-linearities
  • Phase noise
  • Multipath fading
  • Atmospheric effects
  • Interference

Find out more

While this page focused on LEO network testing, the RLS-2100 radio link simulator includes many additional features for you to explore.

Learn more about the RLS-2100
Let us show you how it works
Square Peg Communications Inc.
4017 Carling Avenue, Suite 200 
Ottawa, ON, Canada K2K 2A3
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